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Phlox Paniculata Early Purple Eye

This hybrid compact selection part of the Early Start series blooms earlier than other traditional paniculata types and produces large clusters of fragrant pink flowers with darker pink eyes. Původ trvalky musíte hledat ve východních oblastech Severní Ameriky.

Phlox Paniculata Flame Series Pink Flame Plants With Pink Flowers Beautiful Pink Flowers Phlox Flowers

Phlox Summer Phlox Perennial Phlox.

Phlox paniculata early purple eye. Blossoms are fragrant and attract pollinators. Normal Sandy Clay Flower. The Early Start series of garden phlox has the earliest bloom time of any paniculata phlox.

Phlox paniculata EARLY PURPLE EYE EARLY flioksų veislė yra ankstyviausių flioksų grupė žydinti 2-3 savaitėmis anksčiau už kitas veisles. Fragrant Drought Tolerant Deer Resistant. Early Purple eye Īpaša iezīme.

The flowers are excellent for cutting. Individual flowers are densely arranged in large terminal pyramidal clusters panicles to 6 long atop stiff upright stems which seldom need staking. Barphlearpideye Summer Phlox is very popular for its midsummer display in the border.

Blooming 2-3 weeks earlier than other types Early Purple Eye has bi-colored purple and white flowers that cover the plant and are also fragrant. Its pointy leaves remain emerald green in color throughout the season. Blooming for weeks from mid to late summer the fragrant flowers are rich of nectar and visited by hummingbirds and butterflies.

60-90 cm magas szemet gyönyörködtető lágyszárú évelő. The fruit is not ornamentally significant. This series has the earliest bloom time of any paniculata Phlox.

Blooms many weeks in summer and thrives best in semi-shade. 2 each-Early Purple Eye Early Red Eye Early HTWD. Kero aukštis 25 cm.

This compact early-blooming variety produces cheerful clusters of bright purple flowers with star-shaped white centers. A dwarf and compact garden phlox Phlox paniculata Flame Purple Eye is an herbaceous perennial with large clusters of intense magenta-purple flowers adorned with a white eye. Fragrant tubular flowers 12 to 1 diameter with long corolla tubes and five flat petal-like lobes are purple with small darker purple eyes.

Jūlijs - septembris Apgaismojums. Žiedai dvispalviai alyviniai su balta kvapnūs. 11 rows Phlox Early Purple Eye - Common nameGarden Phlox - Pollinators will keep your garden.

20 35 cm. Su žiedynais iki 30 cm ir 30 cm. A felálló szárak végén hozza a kisebb ötszirmú virágokból álló tömött.

Plant 12-16 apart Bloom Time. Late Spring to Mid-Summer Sun-Shade. Bicolored purple and white flowers that are also fragrant will appear in summer for a long time.

Phlox paniculata EARLY PURPLE. AedfloksEarly Purple EyePhlox paniculata. Vidēji mitra bagāta dārza augsne Augšanas veids.

This hybrid compact selection part of the Early Start series blooms earlier than other traditional paniculata types and produces large clusters of fragrant purple flower clusters with white starburst centres. Areál výskytu sahá od jihovýchodní Kanady až do oblastí Oklahomy resp. Phlox paniculata Early Purple Eye Plamenku latnatou řadíme do čeledi Polemoniaceae jirnicovité.

A Phlox paniculata Early Purple Eye bugás lángvirág illatos lila virágai késő tavasztól nyár közepéig nyílnak. 24-30 in 20-24 in. Purpurlillad valge suure tähega tsentris meeldiva lõhnaga keskmised juuni kuni august.

Genus Phlox may be evergreen or herbaceous mat-forming or erect perennials or shrubs with simple leaves and salver-shaped flowers in terminal clusters Details Purple Eye Flame is a herbaceous perennial up to 60cm high with green lance-shaped leaves and scented intensely-purple flowers with a white eye in late summer. 30 cm Augsnes prasības. Bugavirágzatba tömörült illatos virágai késő tavasztól nyár közepéig nyílnak.

We recommend planting with Bumper Crop a rich organic soil builder Type. Full to Partial Sun. Barseventyfour Summer Phlox is very popular for its midsummer display in the border.

Stādīšanas attālums30-40 cm Ziemcietības izturības zona. Blooming for weeks from mid to late summer the fragrant flowers are rich of nectar and visited by hummingbirds and butterflies. Blooms 2-3 weeks earlier than other types.

A dwarf and compact garden phlox Phlox paniculata Flame Purple Eye is an herbaceous perennial with large clusters of intense magenta-purple flowers adorned with a white eye. Early Purple Pink Eye Garden Phlox features bold clusters of lightly-scented purple star-shaped flowers with hot pink eyes and white edges at the ends of the stems from late spring to mid summer.

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